
Monday, March 20, 2006


Screen shot, Google Mars

Screen shot (reduced in size) from Google Mars showing Olympus Mons and the Tharsis area of Mars.

Just what you've always wanted, a color-coded, topographic map of the surface of Mars. Scroll across the surface, zoom in and out, and look at the surface of Mars in visible or infrared light. You can also search for surface features, spacecraft, and stories.

In the reduced size screen shot above, Olympus Mons is the large white volcano above and to the left of the three volcanoes in a row. It is the largest know volcano in our solar system at 374 miles in diameter (approximately the size of Arizona). It is 16 miles high with a caldera at the summit measuring 50 miles wide. NASA has more info on Olympus Mons here.

Have fun exploring.

Googe Earth, Olympus Mons closeup

Google Earth, Olympus Mons closeup, NASA JPL

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